Foreign Licences
Flying in New Zealand with an Overseas Pilots Licence
If you have an overseas pilots licence and wish to enjoy all that New Zealand has to offer by air during your visit, we can assist you with obtaining a New Zealand Validation Permit. This will allow you to exercise the privileges of your pilots licence in New Zealand for up to 6 months.
To qualify for the permit you will require the following:
- Current PPL, CPL or ATPL licence issued by an ICAO member state
- Appropriate and unexpired overseas Medical Certificate
- Meet the ICAO English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements to at least level 4 which must be endorsed on each applicant’s overseas licence
- Successfully complete a NZ Biennial Flight Review
- Must have the equivalent of all the NZ PPL minimum flight experience requirements, including dual instrument instruction, PPL terrain and weather awareness and low flying
- Must have an overseas type rating for the aircraft of intended use
- Additional requirements apply to exercise the privileges of a CPL or ATPL licence
Conversion of an Overseas Pilots Licence to a New Zealand Pilots Licence
In New Zealand for longer than 6 months or would like something more permanent. We can also assist you with converting your overseas pilots licence to a New Zealand Pilots Licence.
To qualify for the PPL Licence Conversion you will require the following:
- Current PPL, CPL or ATPL licence issued by an ICAO member state
- Appropriate and unexpired overseas Medical Certificate (which may be used after the successful licence conversion until which time it expires and then the appropriate NZ medical certificate must be obtained)
- Meet the ICAO English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements to at least level 4
- Successfully complete a NZ Biennial Flight Review
- Must have the equivalent of all the NZ PPL minimum flight experience requirements, including dual instrument instruction, PPL weather and terrain awareness. (Where applicable, this time may be completed in NZ)
- Complete the Fit and Proper Person documentation including providing criminal and driving records from any country that you have resided in for a period of 6 or more months within the past 5 years
- Additional requirements apply for the Conversion of CPL and ATPL licences including minimum flight operations experience, passes in New Zealand Air Law written examinations for the appropriate level of licence and successful completion of a flight test
North Shore Aero Club Incorporated is a NZQA Category 1 Provider, last assessed at the External Evaluation and Review dated 10 November 2022. For more information see www.nzqa.govt.nz
- Applicants who do not meet the NZ PPL dual instrument instruction and/or PPL weather and terrain awareness requirements are not eligible for the issue of a NZ PPL until this time has been completed. Where applicable, this time may be completed in NZ;
- Those who do not meet the NZ PPL night flight minimum times must have their logbooks endorsed to the effect that NZ PPL privileges may not be exercised at night;
- Persons who cannot produce a current overseas licence, unexpired overseas medical certification and their pilot log book are not eligible for issue of a NZ PPL under the above provisions;
- Persons who successfully complete this process may fly in NZ using their current overseas medical certification. However, the overseas medical may only be used until the expiry date shown on that medical certification at the time of entry into the NZ system, and after this date, a NZ Class 2 medical certificate must be gained.
Foreign Licence Conversion inquiry form
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