Private Pilot Licence (PPL) ground course | Air Law – AIPA (November)

How old do I have to be to fly an aircraft solo? When am I able to take my family flying with me? How far from the cloud do I have to fly?

We will give you the answers to all these questions and many more on our PPL Air Law ground course.

Rules and regulations are ultimately designed to help keep us safe in the skies. You will learn where our laws come from and how to accurately interpret them and apply them to everyday flying. You will learn what weather limitations you face, how to navigate the many different classes of airspace in NZ, how much fuel do you legally need to carry, what cargo/goods you are allowed to carry and more.

Once you have your PPL, many more doors open up for you. Different aircraft type ratings, aerobatic ratings and glider/banner towing ratings are just some of your options.

How do you go about achieving these? This is all covered in the law also, let us show you where!

This is an extended version of the full-time ground course designed specifically for the Auckland International Pilot Academy (AIPA). This version of this ground course has more learning time spent on each subject in the classroom and also allows students to have an extra Study Day at the Club together with an Instructor to prepare for the exam.


This course will be running from 0830 to 1630 for 3 days on the 25, 26, and 27th of November with extra Study Days on the 3rd and 4th of December.

NOTE: Seats on this course are limited and subject to the number of students enrolled for the full-time Diploma course. 

If you have any questions or would like any further information please get in touch and we can assist you further.

0800 4 WINGS | [email protected]


25 - 27 Nov 2024


8:30 am




Private Pilot Licence - PPL


North Shore Aero Club
North Shore Aero Club, 300 Postman Road, Dairy Flat 0794, New Zealand
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